Design principles

These principles guide our design approach, helping us make informed decisions with a clear focus on what's important.

Keep focus for clarity

Guide users towards one primary action at a time, revealing only what they need to know when it's needed. This approach helps users make decisively clear choices and have a sense of control.

Design for simplicity

Design interfaces to be clean and simple, with a clear hierarchy that highlights what’s important. Ensure every color, spacing, and element serves a clear role.

Design with accessibility in mind

We operate across multiple countries for a diverse audience. Our interfaces should be transparent, welcoming, and follow WCAG standards, ensuring everyone can easily use our software.

Maintain consistency

If it looks the same, make it behave the same. This makes our interfaces predictable, reduces learning time and cognitive effort, making the experience smoother for users.

Give feedback for control

Provide immediate feedback for user actions to clarify what has happened, why it happened, and what should happen next. This feedback loop is essential for a sense of control and to guide the next steps.

Make it fast and efficient

Make work seem seamless. Make sure the interface is quick to respond and feels immediate. Automate what's possible.