
Buttons are used to trigger an action on a page or complete tasks in other components, such as forms and modals.


Buttons are used to trigger an action on a page or complete tasks in other components, such as forms and modals.

Best practices

The different types of variants help us to employ the right button for the right purpose.


Write clear and action-driven labels using sentence-case, such as “Add patient” or “Delete appointment”. Use {verb} + {noun} whenever is possible.


Don’t use all-caps or other text formats.


Use primary and secondary variants when grouping actions.


Don’t use multiple instances of the primary variant when grouping actions.


Use the plain variant for less important or less common actions on the screen.


Do not use buttons to link to other pages. Use the link component instead.


Use the danger variant for every destructive action you need to portray.


Don’t use any other button variant for destructive actions even if they are the primary action on the screen.


Use icons for affordance clarity or to highlight the action that will be performed.


Don’t use icons for decorative purposes, or that don’t portray the buttons’ action. In those cases might be better to use only a label.


Keep the same button width in both loading and not loading mode. The length of the label and its icons will define it.


Do not use any other loading method, such as the progress bar, as the available space is quite diminished.


Use the full-width button in narrow sections where the rest of the content also fills the container.


Do not use a full-width button in a wide or fluid container, especially if the rest of the content does not fill the width, or it is aligned to one of the sides.


Use counters in buttons to provide meaningful feedback. For instance, showing the number of items that will be affected by the action.


Do not use counters in multiple buttons in the same context. This can overwhelm users and reduce the effectiveness of the feedback.


The types of actions performed by buttons are distinctly different from the function of a link (generally links go somewhere and buttons do something). It is important that both the appearance and role of a button, match the function it provides. That’s why we aim for a differentiated visual design that streamlines the component's function and its ARIA role. We are aware of the exception we are introducing with the plain button variant. Check the best practices above for more details on how to use them.

Loading Button

Some of the considerations to make a loading button accessible require adding ARIA properties to the regions being affected:

  • Set aria-live to assertive so updates to the region have the highest priority and should be presented to the user immediately.
  • Setaria-atomic to true if you want the entire changed region as a whole to be presented.

Where's the disabled button?

We have made the conscious decision to not provide a disabled button for now. We firmly believe that most of the solutions that use a disabled button can be solved in many other simpler ways, for instance, by using validation, progressive disclosure, or lowering the actions per page to reduce the cognitive load. We enforce this for a few reasons:

  • Using disabled buttons makes us wonder why the button is not available and how to enable it. This requires explicit explanation and therefore increases the complexity of the screen (we cannot just forbid the action and not explain what is happening).
  • Showing disabled buttons when they cannot be enabled in any way is frustrating. It clutters the interface and confuses us since a solution is not possible.
  • Accessibility. It’s also a silent agreement that a disabled button has a very poor contrast. Disabled buttons could additionally be confused with secondary or plain buttons and just make the whole experience only accessible to the ones that can see the difference.


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NameDescription Type Default Values
Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by this component.string
Controls the display of a badge with a numeric or percentage counter.number|string
Allows you to choose the badge type.stringneutralaccent, accent-inverted, neutral, info, success, warning, danger, neutral-inverted, info-inverted, success-inverted, warning-inverted, danger-inverted
When provided, renders the button as an anchor tag <a>, with its href attribute set to the given value.string
Use if linking to a Vue route with Routerstring|object
label Required
Defines text of the buttonstring
Displays an icon to the left of the label.stringicon name (i.e. "alarm-clock")
Displays an icon to the right of the label.stringicon name (i.e. "alarm-clock")
Specifies the type of button.stringbuttonbutton, submit, reset
Defines the purpose of the button.stringdefaultdefault, primary, secondary, danger, plain
Controls if the button is in a loading state or not.booleanfalsefalse, true
Controls if the button extends to fill the container.booleanfalsefalse, true
Controls the alignment of the label.stringcentercenter, start, end


Button component supports all native events of the HTML <button> element. It means that it emits the click event for mouse click and enter or space key pressed while the button is in focus state.