Action BarA file upload allows the user to choose one or more files from their device storage and upload them to a specific location.AvatarAvatars are graphic representations of our users and entities in the interface.BadgeBadges are used to inform of the status of an element or an action that has been taken.BannerBanner provides a distinguishable and non-disruptive way to communicate important information or conditions to users.BreadcrumbsBreadcrumbs display the path users took to reach the current page, allowing easy navigation back to previous sections.ButtonButtons are used to trigger an action on a page or complete tasks in other components, such as forms and modals.Button GroupButton groups bring together button controls that belong to the same context. They help us save space when needed.CalendarA calendar allows users to pick a single date or a range of dates from a visual calendar.CardThe card is a wrapper that displays content and actions on a single topic. It helps us structure the information that an user needs to digest.CheckboxCheckboxes allow user to select many options from a limited number of choices.CollapseA collapse is a content area commonly used to organize related information that can be collapsed and expanded.ComboboxCombobox is an autocomplete input that allows users to filter and select one or more values from a list of options.Date PickerA date picker is an input control that allows the user to select a single date or a range of dates by either typing or selecting from a calendar.DividerDivider component is used to semantically and decoratively separate content into groups.Dropdown MenuA dropdown menu is used to display a list of actions. It must be triggered by another component, like a button or icon button.Empty stateEmpty states are used to fill blank spaces when no content is present or when the feature is temporarily empty.FieldsetThe Fieldset component is used for grouping sets of related checkboxes or radio buttons.File UploadA file upload allows the user to choose one or more files from their device storage and upload them to a specific location.GridThe Grid component provides a 12-column fluid grid component that spans its whole parent area with flexible columns and fixed gaps.HeaderThe Page Header shows the page title, main actions, and navigation, helping users understand their location and interact with the app.IconThe icon component allows you to display an icon from the Iconography library.Icon ButtonThis component is used to display supplementary actions in the interface, either to trigger actions or drive navigation is allowed.InputInputs enable users to enter text data. They support different formats such as plain text, passwords, numbers, or dates.LayoutThe layout is the top-most structural component in any view and acts as the main wrapper for smaller items within it.LinkLinks are used to navigate users between pages or to an external resource.ModalModal dialog overlays on top of the main content of a page. It is used to focus the user's attention on a specific task and require interaction before they can continue browsing the site.Navigation ListThe navigation list provides local navigation for the current context and indicates the current view.PaginationPagination allows you to divide large amounts of content into smaller chunks across multiple pages.PopoverPopover is an overlay that opens on demand after clicking on the trigger.Progress BarA progress bar shows the completion status of an ongoing task.RadioRadio buttons allow users to choose one option from the list of mutually exclusive options.SelectRadio buttons allow users to choose one option from the list of mutually exclusive options.SkeletonSkeleton is a low-fidelity visual placeholder that represents the loading of an interface element before it is displayed on the page.SpacerThe Spacer component provides spacing to any wrapped component.SpinnerA spinner is a visual indicator that confirms a process is happening in the background but the component or view is not yet ready for interaction.StackStack is a 1-dimensional layout system with options to control the direction, spacing, distribution, and relative sizing of its children elements.Step IndicatorA step indicator shows the user their progress along the process of completing a task.TableA table is a component used to display and organize information from a data set.TabsTabs are used to organize and navigate between related views at the same hierarchy level.TextUse the Text component to provide the hierarchy and structure of a view.TextareaTextarea enables users to enter multi-line text data.ToastToasts are non-disruptive messages that appear in the interface to provide quick, at-a-glance feedback on the outcome of an action.ToggleThe toggle component allows users to toggle a specific option on or off immediately.TooltipTooltip is a small pop-up box that appears when a user hovers over an element.