
A spinner is a visual indicator that confirms a process is happening in the background but the component or view is not yet ready for interaction.


A spinner is a visual indicator that confirms a process is happening in the background but the component or view is not yet ready for interaction.

Best practices

Use the spinner for actions that last from 1 to 10 seconds. If the action is shorter than 1 second, you don’t need a spinner. For actions longer than 10 seconds, use a progress bar.

Place the spinner where you want the user’s attention to be. It can be the middle of the container or a button, for instance.
Do not show a spinner when loading text content, for example: a list, or a paragraph. In those cases use a skeleton instead.
When using a spinner directly over content, reduce the container opacity to 20% to de-emphasize it and allow the spinner to be seen.
Do not show several spinners at a time to avoid a busy and motion-heavy interface. Show a single spinner over the container or use the skeleton instead.


Labeling the spinner

The spinner needs a label so that a screen reader announces the state properly. Each piece of text that becomes the label needs to be available in the same language as the page. The default label is “Loading.” Make the label more personalized when the context matters. Use the scheme “Loading + {what is loading},” for example, “Loading a graph.” In some cases, you can follow a more generic pattern using a different verb, for example, “Submitting a form.”

General considerations

Some of the considerations to make a spinner loading state accessible require adding ARIA properties to the regions being affected:

  • Set aria-live to assertive so updates to the region have the highest priority and should be presented to the user immediately.
  • Set aria-atomic to true if you want the entire changed region as a whole to be presented.
  • Use aria-busy to indicate that an element is being modified and that assistive technologies may want to wait until the changes are complete before informing the user about the update.


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NameDescription Type Default Values
Defines a string value that labels an element.string
Defines the size of the spinnerstringlargesmall, large