The layout is the top-most structural component in any view and acts as the main wrapper for smaller items within it.
The Layout component defines the main layout structure of a page by providing standard sizing and spacing for the different content areas.
Main Header
Main Header is positioned above the main content area. It provides space for a Display Heading that is used for a page title and for the main actions that can be performed on the screen.
- Include page title to let users know where they are
- Add a back button if the page has a parent
- Provide the main action of the page in the Header
- Don’t overcrowd the Header with too many actions
Sidebar provides space for navigation inside the current screen. Use it to allow users move between different content based on the use case or type of information
- Use the Sidebar to provide secondary navigation if needed
- Don’t include main actions in the sidebar
- Don’t include the page title in the sidebar
- Don’t put inside the sidebar actions or information that are necessary to operate on the page
Main Content
Main content is used to place content that represents dominant functionality of the page. It can stretch full width of a container area or have a fixed width.
Main content usually contains lists of items or tables. For complex information or long forms, we recommend using the Grid component to distribute the elements.
- Use full width layout, when working with multi-column tables or/and high density information pages
- Don’t use full-width layout for simple, low-density pages that won’t benefit from wider container
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